If you are unable to log in to your My Bike account, this could be due to the following reasons:
You have not yet created a My Bike account.
You can find instructions on how to create your My Bike account here.
You have not yet confirmed the creation of your My Bike account.
See steps 4 and 5 in the guide to creating a My Bike account. If confirmation has not yet been completed, the password will be recognized as incorrect when attempting to log in.
You are using the wrong password.
Please note the password requirements of our system. You need two uppercase and lowercase letters, any number of digits, and at least one valid special character (e.g., § $ % & / * @). The question mark, exclamation mark, and all punctuation marks are not valid special characters.
The Auto-Fill option of your browser or your password manager is using incorrect login credentials.
In this case, you can manually enter your correct login details. It's best to update the credentials in your password manager afterward.
If none of these points apply, please contact our Customer Care.